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Leveling Up Instruction with Quizizz’s New Features: Lessons and Live Instruction!

Are you tired of trying to make your students excited to participate in Distance Learning every day, let alone KEEP them excited? How do you even KNOW if your students are there with you, knee-deep in the trenches of learning if we can’t even see many of them because their screens are often not even on? It is easy to become disheartened as we pour our hearts and souls into our instruction day in and day out, only to see minimal gains and participation. Rather than focusing on what we can’t see, focus on what YOU can DO- provide an engaging lesson that students will WANT to be a part of (whether or not their screens are on) by teaching a lesson through Quizizz’s new features of a Quizizz Lesson or a Live Quizizz Game!!

When given the option to Create a new Quiz, select the Lesson option. After you name it and tag it with a subject, you are ready to create an interactive lesson! You can add (OR IMPORT - YES, IMPORT!!) slides directly into your lesson (including media, text, images and even audio), also all while formatting them with Quizizz style questions - polls, multiple choice, true-false, fill in the blank, check-boxes and open ended questions!!

But what if you are tired of creating new questions, you’re running out of time, your dog is barking in the background and your children (not the at school ones, but the other ones… the ones you LIVE with) are also demanding for you to give them milk in the RED cup… Oh, wait, okay. Maybe the last couple things don’t apply to you, but maybe you ARE coming to a point where you are having a hard time creating more questions of your own. Fear not, for the Teleport Questions button is here to save your day!!!

This has always been one of my favorite features of the program, because it allows for searching for great questions to be done so easily. Once you click on "Teleport Questions", a question bank with your topic will APPEAR. LIKE MAGIC. WITH THE HEAVENS OPENING ABOVE YOU.

But wait, it gets better!!! (“Can it really?” you ask? Yes. Yes it can!!) Find a question you like, simply click "Add" and that question is truly TELEPORTED directly into your lesson. Insert your happy dance here!

Now that you have created a mind-blowing, engaging lesson with all sorts of varying question types, it’s time to test it out with your students! Share the lesson just as you would normally share a Quizizz game by giving the site/code or pushing the link out through Classroom (or better yet, you can FORCE the link to open in Go Guardian).

Just like with any other Quizizz activity, you can choose to do this live, as an instructor paced lesson, or you can assign it as “homework” for asynchronous learning! Even with screens off, you’ll be able to see your kids learning in real time (either by viewing the lesson in Quizizz or using Go Guardian to help you out). You can troubleshoot, redirect and reinstruct as the data happens right in front of you.

If you want to take it to the next level, you can create (or use an already existing) game, so that you can teach with the Quizizz Game live. You can select which questions to display, and you can see who is answering by looking at their avatars (not their names) or as a class percentage poll. By the end of the lesson, you have not just taught the lesson, but you have allowed for multiple opportunities for students to truly engage in their learning. Once it’s all said and done, you also have BEAUTIFULLY color coded reports (because who DOESN’T LOVE A PRETTY SPREADSHEET??) that you can pull for your own data.

Remember, you may not be able to see your students directly in front of you, but you definitely can see (with data) that engaged learners have been there with you all along!

Click here to get started!

Keep Leveling Up!

Michelle Borges

6th Grade Teacher

Sam Vaughn Elementary

PS - Quick tip… yes the option is there for a leaderboard and scoreboard to be on; however, I have found that when you turn those OFF, students are not “stressed to impress” and can simply focus on the task at hand. I have found over and over again that if given the option, students request for the timer and leaderboard to be off so that they are not competing with others, just themselves. In doing that, I have found over and over again, that my students perform better when those constraints are removed.

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