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Got Links? Connecting IC to GC

Hello! I am back again with yet another tip in using Google Classroom. If you missed last year’s blog about 5 tips when using Google Classroom, click here to check it out!

This blog is to showcase the feature in Google Classroom that allows a link to be created and used to connect an Infinite Campus gradebook assignment to the original Google Classroom assignment.

Watch this first video below to see the teacher’s directions on how to create the link and place it in IC:

Then watch this second video to see the student’s version of how the link will work for students:

Hopefully, this feature will help students and parents know exactly what assignment was graded and added to the Infinite Campus gradebook. Parents will need to use their child's Google credentials to view their work in Google Classroom.

Happy Linking!

Christina Macklin

8th Grade Math, Science, PE & Leadership

Patricia Kay Beaver Leadership Magnet

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