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Reaching Out With the Power of Forms to Ensure Student Success

Many of us know that Google Forms can be a great tool for giving students a pop quiz, but it also is a super-efficient tool for gathering student data on a daily basis. Last year I created a form to take a pulse check on students’ needs they could access on an as-needed basis, but this year it’s part of their daily morning check-in routine. As an elementary teacher, it’s a quick way to get their lunch count, but also for students to share any pressing needs that may affect their ability to learn in the classroom. I throw in a fun “Would You Rather” situation every day to keep it interesting. The students who are not quite ready to learn are automatically directed to a different page in the Form to ask a follow-up question that will help me help them.

Besides greeting them at the door, it’s one more way for me to connect with them individually and for them to let me know if they’re ready to learn. And as any teacher worth one’s salt can tell you, your students won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. One more thing, you can use GoGuardian to set a “Scene” that will automatically open up the Form for them when they first open Chrome, making it that much easier to get the students into your Form right away. Just remember to change the “Scene” or they might get the same tab opening up for them again later.

Here are a few of the forms I created. Feel free to use them in your own classroom:

Stay Techie,

Craig Tornquist

6th Grade Teacher, Adkison Elementary

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