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On the 2nd Day of Tech-mas...

Updated: May 31, 2023

On the 2nd day of Tech-mas, my EdTechs shared with me… a way to graph accountability!

Every Wednesday we have intervention. Many students show up to intervention and type into the chat, “What can I do to get my grade up?” Wouldn’t it be nice if kids actually looked on Infinite Campus and knew exactly what they needed?

I don’t have the solution for those amazing questions. Hahaha, but I do have a nice way to encourage students to reflect and be accountable for their own grades. I have been using Grade Graphs for years but wasn’t sure how they would translate into a valuable distance learning tool. Ms. Vang from CHS had the solution and I am here to share this amazing idea: The Digital Grade Graph. Students look up their grade and type it in along with listing their missing assignments. Now when a student shows up to Intervention I ask, “Are there any missing assignments you listed on your Grade Graph?” It’s a great way to encourage accountability.

Feel free to make a copy and start using the Digital Grade Graph to help keep your students accountable: Digital POTU Weekly Grade Graph.

Stay Techie,

Lorna Huerta

Science Teacher

Ceres High School

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