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Digital Citizenship Week Is October 14-18

Digital Citizenship Week: It's Time to Have The Talk

Digital Citizenship Week is coming soon! The purpose of Digital Citizenship Week is to raise awareness about protecting our students' data and keeping them safe from cyberbullying (California Education Technology Blueprint, Empowering Learning, p. 12). In Ceres, Digital Citizenship isn't just a good idea--it's essential to our mission that students "achieve mastery of academic standards in a safe and supportive environment."

No matter what grade you teach, we have Digital Citizenship Week resources for you:

October is also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. If you haven't read our awesome CUSD Cyber Smart newsletter, you can check it out here.

 October 2019 CUSD Cyber Smart Newsletter

We hope you find these resources useful. Remember, Digital Citizenship isn't just a week... it's an important part of our work as educators throughout the year. We'd love to hear your thoughts about how we can help keep our students safe while online.

Stay Techie,

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