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Google Classroom-Grading Made Easy!

Updated: Feb 8

Hey guys it's Maria, with this week's Ed Tech Blog. This weeks topic is on Rubrics for Google Classroom! Many of you probably already know about this amazing resource that you can use for any of the assignments that you post on Google Classroom. For those of you who have not seen it, lets begin!

We all know that distance learning has been a little crazy with providing feedback and points for assignments! My team and I have found a way to do both at the same time! Create a rubric. There’s no need to use a separate app or extension because Google Classroom has it ready for you! With this feature, once you have your rubric created, the score will autofill based on your criteria and points. Before I was introduced to this feature, I was “grading” every assignment, providing feedback, and it was taking longer than I wished. Once I began using this feature I wasn’t spending double the effort to grade and provide feedback because now Google does it for me! If you have not tried it….DO IT NOW! It will be your lifesaver!!

P.S. View this video to see how to create, reuse, and share your rubrics!!

Stay Techie,

Maria Arellano Rodriguez

5th Grade Spanish Teacher,

Lucas Dual Language Academy

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