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Approved Tech Tools February Update!

This month we have several updates to our list of District-approved technology tools.

✅What New Tech Tools Have Been Approved?

The District has recently approved several new tech tools for instructional use over the past month, including:

  • CodeHS

  • DroneBlocks Coding App

  • Edublocks by Anaconda Inc.

  • eFood Handlers

  • JAWS Typeability

  • Remind

  • VEXcode GO

❌What Tech Tools Have Expired?

Unfortunately, as company policies and practices change, we sometimes must make the regrettable decision to withdraw approval for some tech tools. Here are some tech tools that have recently been removed from our approval list and may NOT be used with students:

  • Lessons for Life

🔎Where Can I Find Whether a Tech Tool is Approved?

To access the our database of approved tech tools, simply click this link, or the image below. Here you'll find a searchable list of all technology tools that are currently approved.

Our database is constantly being updated as new tech tools are being approved, as technology companies merge with (or spin off from) one another, and as privacy agreements expire. Please check this database often to make sure the tech tools you're using with students are continuing to be approved.

🙋How Can I Request a New Tech Tool Be Reviewed?

Simply submit a Tech Help Desk ticket under the category of "Technology Review." Check out the infographic below for details about how the process works:

Ceres Unified is committed to protecting student safety, privacy, and data security while our students use technology. Reach out if you have further questions!

Stay Techie,

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